Hobbyist Photographer and Writer

Inspired by Nature, Trees and Travel

By day, I am a director of East Devon Tree Care, an Arboricultural Consultancy practice specialising in ancient and veteran trees, working alongside my husband Matthew, but my love for nature and trees extends far beyond my work and there is more to me than just ensuring our office is running like clockwork.

Beyond the woodlands and trees, I have a love for photography, writing and travel. I have an appreciation for wildlife, landscapes, and the natural beauty of the world.

The website name β€˜Shute the World’ is actually intended to be a play on my surname and my passion for shooting photographs on my travels and not in fact, an insinuation that I intend to harm the world, as my husband and family kindly pointed out on starting this blog! 😁

My blog is a photographic and written journey of our adventures exploring near and distant lands, capturing scenery, and sharing the stories of the remarkable trees, wildlife and nature we encounter along the way.

GiclΓ©e Fine Art Prints, Greeting Cards and Notebooks of some of my images may be available to purchase if you are interested. Please email me at shutetheworld@gmail.com to enquire. Thank you.

Elaine Shute